Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Great Comments!

Wow! Thank you for all of the great questions. I just woke up (around 6:00 am) and I will try and answer as many of your questions as I can.

The food is extremely expensive here in Japan in some cases, but in others it is very cheap. Sushi, for example, is fairly expensive depending on where you get it. At the fish market, you can get a sushi breakfast which will cost you about $25. We were also told that in some restaurants, if there are not prices on the menus that means it could cost you around $30,000 Yen ($300). The other side is soba (noodles) you can get noodles for very cheap and they are also very good. Just like in America, it depends on what you want to eat.

I had sushi at the Consul General's house for the first time. I thought it was the best Japanese dish I have had thus far. There I also had unagi (eel), which was also extremely good. I would order that again too. On the flip side, when we were out with Habe-san, I ate what would be similar to a sardine that was grilled. I did not like that at all, but Habe-san finished the remainder for me!

It is defintely a different feeling eating the sashimi, which is the raw fish. Some of the fish was better than others. I liked the tuna, but I didn't care for the salmon. There was another type of fish called hamachi that was the best, in my opinion.

One thing that is misleading about the prices of food, and anything else in Japan, is that there is no tipping. Taxes and tipping are both built into the cost of the food/item that you are purchasing. I like that a lot. It is much easier.

The temperature has been pretty muggy since we have been here. When the sun is out it gets fairly warm. I will be traveling to Minamisoma in the Fukushima prefecture in a few days. That is north of Tokyo and thus will be a little cooler. They say in Fukushima it will be between 52 and 62 degrees the entire stay, unless it rains.

While we were doing of briefing in San Francisco, Dr. Satterwhite, the head of the program told us that in a poll conducted the Japanese have actually rated as more interested in our political election than Americans.

The Japanese are going through some political turmoil right now also, but I will touch on that more in a future post.

Variety of Food
You can get everything from a hamburger to sushi here. On our way back from our sessions yesterday, we saw a Subway and McDonalds. I want to eat at one of them just to compare.

Many Japanese speak English, at least in Tokyo. Tokyo is the leader of education in Japan. They are currently moving to mandate that English is taught at the elementary level. It is currently taught at Junior High and High School. I have not met a Japanese person thus far that doesn't speak English. This will likely change when I get to Minamisoma, though.

Picture of the Room
I was actually going to post many pictures of my room. There are many things that are common in the US, but things that are different too. I will make sure to remember to post pictures later.

Rules and Regulations in Schools
The majority of schools have dress codes, but (Surprise!) the kids hate it. There are a few schools, very high performing as I was told yesterday, that no longer have dress codes. I will post pictures of an example of the uniforms when I get one.

The hours of going to school are shorter in Japan, but as I listed in a previous post, the school year is longer. If you make an apple-to-apple comparison the Japanese go to school a week or two longer than we do.

There is a beautiful Japanese garden in the courtyard of the hotel. I will also try and take pictures and post them as soon as I can.

Plane Ride
The plane ride was difficult because we were sitting for so long. It was a big plan, although I can't remember the type off the top of my head. The seats, however, were not made for tall people. It was uncomfortable after a couple of hours. Once we reached a cruising altitude (38,000 feet) I was able to walk and stand around. We watched four movies, although I didn't care for three of them and tried to sleep or read.

I need to get down to breakfast, so I had better go. Thanks again for the questions and I will try and sneak back up during a break to post some pictures.


Anonymous said...

What has been your favorite experience so far?
Sam Johnson

Anonymous said...

When the Japanese speak english is it clear and easy to understand or is it kinda chopy? From Josh S.

Anonymous said...

what do you like best about japan so far

Jayme L

Anonymous said...

Hello, I hope you are enjoying your trip in Japan and that you are enjoying the culture and what it has to offer. What is one thing about the culture that you think is really interesting? What is one thing that you have eaten that you would have never expected yourself to ever try?
Mickal S

Anonymous said...

What are the cars like. Are there alot of street racing cars or are they just normal? Josh S.

Anonymous said...

How have you been getting around as far as transportation goes?
Zach P.

Anonymous said...

Whats been your favorite thing about japan so far? Jenna y.

Anonymous said...

Are there any american muscle cars in japan

johnathan w

Anonymous said...

Do the Japanese have American artists' music playing in their restaurants and on the radio? Or do they only play music by their own artists?

Nikkita S.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that electronic prices like gaming systems and tv are much cheaper. How do the prices of electronics campare to what they are in the USA?

Anonymous said...

My two brothers lived in Japan for four years.One is currently living at the naval base in Japan. Do you see alot of Americans around other than the ones you are with?

Jesse B.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that electronic prices like gaming systems and tv are much cheaper. How do the prices of electronics campare to what they are in the USA?

Marshall B

Anonymous said...

Are the streets always like super crowded and noisy, and how clean are they? How important are professional sports there? Lucas S.

Anonymous said...

Is the economy of Japan in better or worse shape than that of the United States?

Carter W.

Anonymous said...

Dp you think u could post some pictures of some japanesse art? Just wondering

Anonymous said...

Dp you think u could post some pictures of some japanesse art? Just wondering

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed following your blog and am glad you are enjoying this tremendous learning experience. I am interested in higher education in Japan. Is college funded by the government?

Gail Wold

Anonymous said...

hey i am new student at beulah middle school but i was wondering is it hard to write in Japanese?
kayla matlock

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob! It sounds like you're having a great time. Your blog is great to keep up with you. I wanted to go see Sadie and the boys while you were gone, but I decided to wait and go when you'd be back, it would be more fun to get to see all of you! Enjoy your time, i'm sure it will go fast!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It looks like you are having a wonderful time. How many others are traveling with you & are they admin, teachers, college prof? Shirley, you didn't get sick on the plane from ordering the chicken, did you? Shirley not hopefully. (at least I think it was the chicken, it has been a while since I have seen the movie). Take Care