Sunday, September 21, 2008

JFMF Process and Updates

As part of my responsibilities to the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund program, I am responsible for a follow-on plan to ensure accountability. This blog is part of that follow-on plan, as is my planned presentations to the school, and to professional organizations, both local and at the state level.

In the past few weeks, I have been actively trying to plan for being gone for three weeks. Not only will I be gone from the Beulah School, but from my family as well. As exciting as this experience is going to be, leaving the comforts of home and family are starting to cause some anxiety.

Packing is starting to become a concern too. How exactly do you fit three weeks of dress clothes, casual clothes, and all of the accessories into a large garment bag and one carry-on? We have a community website for JFMFers on Ning and there are many interesting ideas out there from washing clothes at the hotel and laundromats to throwing the non-essentials (i.e. undershirts and underwear) away and buying new ones when you need them. I'm pretty sure I will be trying search out some washing machines!

As I get closer to leaving on October 12, I will be posting some of the questions from Mrs. Benz's students and my corresponding answers. I created a FAQ document for Mrs. Benz and her students that has hopefully laid the foundation for the interactivity of this blog while I am in Tokyo and Minamisoma. It is my hope that I will be able to post pictures and a narrative as well as answer questions or comments from students in the comments sections.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Lech,What do you all eat in Japan? Is all you eat is rice and stuff.
What type of classes do they take? And what age do they take them?

Logan K